Sara Hall

I used to be a bit of a stress head and I can now tie this to what I was keeping a hold on to in my mind as well as physically.  I had a job I didn’t enjoy, I felt hemmed in by my lack of qualifications, I have a graphic design degree but I got that over 15 years ago, have never worked in the industry and don’t have a passion for it.

I was working as a PA, I was good at what I did but didn’t enjoy where I worked.  I tried temping to find a job I enjoyed and after 3 years of working with a lot of different companies, getting offered jobs that made my heart sink and not knowing what to do.

I decided to think outside the box and talked to a life coach – Susie Ascott from Present Perfect.  This was the turning point for me, she quashed all my excuses, every time I made one she questioned it and held me accountable.  I realised there was only one person holding me back and that was me.  She helped me think outside the box, really look at what I enjoyed and was skilled at as a PA and how to use them differently.

This was one of the biggest turning points in my life and it has changed the way I live and I will always be thankful.  I used to dream of doing more personal development, working outside the office (but not in a mundane job) and Susie helped me see that it was all possible – I’ve stopped dreaming and started doing.

Sara Hall