What are/have been the benefits you have seen from working with me?

A fresh perspective, a place to be honest and true to myself, a sounding board to bounce ideas and thoughts off, a space in which I could speak my fears and dreams without judgement or bias.

Continuity. A place I can dip in and out of and know that we can pick up and carry on.

What did you get for your money and time?

A foundation to build upon – a space that I could use to gather my thoughts or sound out plans or just find some clarity and perspective. New ideas, insights, techniques and resources.

What are the benefits you have seen from working with me?

It would be impossible to try to capture this in words – I feel that I have grown and evolved due to our coaching relationship and I think it would have taken me much longer to get to this place without it. It is the simple truth of knowing that I am not alone – no matter how alone I feel, I know I can turn to you in any situation and be honest and vulnerable and feel supported – I trust you with my whole self.

Why did coaching work, (or not work)?

Your trustworthiness, openmind, humour, perspective and clarity. You are funny and intelligent and I dig it 🙂